the cigarette butt museum_

The Cigarette Butt Museum is an exhibition designed to disappear. We created an outdoor stunt that is also a digital way to make people clean out cigarette butts in the entire country.

Cigarette butts are everywhere. To avoid discarding them correctly, people get creative. So we decided to highlight the “masterpieces” those “geniuses” created in a provocative way. More than relating their “creations” with art, we started a movement so everyone can do the same and clean them out.

3_archive_MDB_0003_GREAT WALL3_archive_MDB_0003_GREAT WALL

Portuguese video in the voice of Nuno Rapazote:

Creative Agency: Lola Normajean
CEO: Rodrigo Silva Gomes
CCO: Leandro Alvarez
Art Directors: Pedro Martoli, Luis Borges
Copywriters: Fábio Loureiro, Enzo Sunahara
Planner: Matilde Silva Gomes
Account Director: Vanessa Henriques
Account Manager: António Quinta
TV Producer: Sandra Augusto


Production Company: The End Films
Director: Filipi do Canto
Photography: Mendo Dornellas 
Post-production (image and sound): The End Films

Client: Maria Beata
André Oliveira, Selma Mendes